Three Easy Steps to Litter Train Your Bunny

Spring is the ideal time to adopt a pet bunny. For many, they are the perfect family companion. Bunnies are cute, cuddly and are much like cats in that they can be trained to use a litter box. This is particularly important if you’d like your bunny to live in your house. Since bunnies are generally clean animals, they will welcome one designated spot as their potty. Training a bunny to use their litter box is also more hygienic for them since sitting in their urine over time can cause sores on your bunny.

Training a bunny to use a litter box takes some patience and follow through. Since their ability to learn increases with age, you will notice litter-training gets easier as your bunny gets older. However, if you happen to have a lot of persistence and a particularly smart young bunny, even they can learn to be litter trained! Bunnies are among the easiest animals to litter train since they like to use the same area of their enclosure as a potty. You’ll notice that most of the time they prefer the corners of their pen. Additionally, bunnies mark their territory by urinating and therefore those that are spayed or neutered are easier to litter train. Speak to your veterinarian for more advice on neutering your bunny.

Ready to get started? Follow these three easy steps:

1. Gather Supplies

You will want to purchase a litter box that is big enough to fit your rabbit. Position it in a space that still allows room to play, eat and rest. Fill the box with a litter which will absorb the urine and eliminate odor. Bunnies like to play in and eat their litter, so be sure to use a material that is safe for the bunny. Litter and trays can be found at your local pet store or ordered online.

2. Introduce Your Bunny To The Litter Box

This step requires some patience. Once you’ve placed the litter tray in the bunny’s pen area, if possible, reduce size of their living space which will eliminate options for them to urinate. The goal in this step is to watch your bunny and wait for them to use their new litter box. When they do, reward them with a treat. Use something they don’t get all the time like fresh herbs. If your bunny urinates outside the litter box, simply pick the bunny up and put them in the designated spot. Don’t be concerned if your bunny sleeps in the litter box but be sure to clean it daily. Your bunny may continue to poop outside the litter box. Simply sweep up the poop and put it in the litter box to help the bunny learn the right behavior.

3. Praise And Persistence

After your bunny is consistently using the litter box you can give them more space to roam their pen or designated area. Slowly introduce them to the entire house and be sure to watch them. You may need to bring them back to their litter box if you see an accident about to happen. If your bunny has free roam of your house, you may find it helpful to place a few trays throughout their footprint to make litter training a success. Remember to reward their good behavior and have treats at the ready.

Having a bunny can be a great addition to your family.  Remember, litter training will take some time. Try to block off a few hours to spend with your bunny to ensure complete success!

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